How to Write an Amazon Listing That Converts

by Luigi Nori Date: 05-10-2023 amazon optimization ecommerce marketing

If you are one of the 2.5 million sellers on Amazon, you’ll know that the platform has incredible potential for profits. However you’ll also know the competition is fierce and you need to be on your A-game to sell your product.

There is no doubt that ranking on Amazon is critical, and Amazon SEO is the number one thing you can do to get more users to your listings. However, driving traffic to your listing is only half the battle. Once they are there, you need to convince the user to actually buy your product: this is where conversion comes in.

Just like conversion rate optimization (CRO) for websites, there are specific techniques and tactics you can use on your Amazon listings to convert your visitors into clients. Here’s how to write an Amazon listing that converts, in order to lock in more sales, and of course more profits.

1. Make Your Title Readable and Persuasive

Many sellers on Amazon know that keywords are a big part of ranking on the platform, and therefore they pack their listing and the product title with as many keywords as possible. This is understandable as ranking your listing is critical for it being seen, but it should also be balanced with readability.

After all, your listing title, along with the lead image, is the thing that is going to convince users to actually click on the listing. This means that it needs to be readable and persuasive so that the user wants to learn more about your product. If it is simply a jumble of keywords this is not persuasive at all.

Make sure the core (first) part of your product title is the name of the product that is most recognisable and will resonate with your target customer. You can then add more keywords at the end, but keep this readable by putting pipes or dashes in between the words.

2. Make Your Images Work for You

Let’s face it: people don’t read anymore. The majority of visitors to your listing will read the title, look at the images and maybe skim the bullet points. This means that your images are absolutely essential to converting your visitors into sales. Have as many images as possible (people love to scroll through multiple images) but also make sure to only use high-resolution photos.

Your lead image is the most important, as this is the first one users will see, as well as being the picture that will convince them to click on the listing. This should be a high-resolution image of the product taken on a white or a plain background. Then upload as many additional images as you can, showing the product from different angles, and highlighting different product. Include images that show the size of your product, and it is also a great idea to add graphic elements that detail or highlight key features and benefits.

3. Sell with Your Copy

For the minority of users who actually will read your copy, it is important to make sure that your product description works for you as well. The bullet points are undoubtedly the most critical part of this, as people are more likely to read (or skim) these than anything else. Your bullet points should highlight the key features of the product, as well as the benefits these have for your customer. Don’t be afraid to include as many technical specifications as possible: people love detail!

Don’t ignore the rest of the product description, however, because some visitors will actually read this. Furthermore, these visitors are likely to be the ones who are most serious about buying so these are the people you really want to convince. Great copy should clearly explain the product features, while also pointing out why these are of benefit to the customer. Essentially tell your visitors what the product does, and why they want it. Short, succinct sentences are best, and try to apply key sales tactics in your copy.

4. Optimise for Mobile

Amazon users have long preferred to access the platform on a mobile device rather than a computer, so it is absolutely essential that your listing is optimised for mobile. Otherwise, when they arrive at the listing they will likely be put off and click away without making a sale. This can be a trap that sellers fall into because they create their listing on a laptop or PC and forget to check what it looks like on a mobile device. Once you have your listing ready to go, check it on a smart phone and a tablet to see how it looks before publishing. Be sure to do the same for any edits or changes you make.

by Luigi Nori Date: 05-10-2023 amazon optimization ecommerce marketing hits : 6865  
Luigi Nori

Luigi Nori

He has been working on the Internet since 1994 (practically a mummy), specializing in Web technologies makes his customers happy by juggling large scale and high availability applications, php and js frameworks, web design, data exchange, security, e-commerce, database and server administration, ethical hacking. He happily lives with @salvietta150x40, in his (little) free time he tries to tame a little wild dwarf with a passion for stars.


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