Amazing Javascript Game Source Codes for Free

by Luigi Nori Date: 19-07-2022 javascript videogames

In this article we will share the code to make simple games with Javascript programming language. The games code can later be your reference material for making other simple games.
Before you continue do you already know what is javascript programming ?, if you don't know yet, please read the brief summary below.

Understanding JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages in the past twenty years. JavaScript programming can be learned quickly and easily, and we can use it for various purposes, for example from increasing the functionality of a site to creating game applications and web-based applications. In addition, there are thousands of themes and JavaScript applications that you can use for free and all of this is thanks to several sites, such as Github.

The following is a collection of simple javascript games but has very interesting functions and can be a reference material, these games include:

Flappy Bird Game Using JavaScript and HTML5

Flappy Bird is a game that uses 2D display. The aim is to direct the flying bird, named "Faby", which moves continuously to the right, between sets of pipes like Mario. If a player touches the pipe, they lose. Faby quickly flaps every time the player taps the screen, if the screen doesn't knock, then Faby falls due to gravity. Each pair of pipes he navigates yields one player point, with a medal awarded for a score at the end of the match. No medals are awarded for scores less than ten. Bronze medals are awarded for scores between ten and twenty. To receive a silver medal, players must reach 20 points. Gold medals are given to those whose value is higher than thirty points. Players who reach a score of forty or higher receive a platinum medal.

Link to the source code

Video tutorial how to make a Flappy Bird game in javascript

Simple Code Snake Game Using Javascript

The following code to make a simple snake game with using JavaScript, and The HTML5 canvas:

Link to the source code

Video tutorial for creating a snake game 

Tetris game in JavaScript

Here is the code to make the tetris game.

Link to the source code

Video to make a tetris game

Quiz App With JavaScript

Here is the code to make a simple quiz game that has an attractive and cool appearance.

Link to the source code

Video making quiz game application

Code Ping Pong Game Using JavaScript

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a game where two or four players hit the ball lightly, back and forth across the table using a small line. Points are scored when a player fails to return the ball to another player. Basically, you play small tennis on a table.

Link to the source code

Video tutorial for making ping pong games

Code Memory Game JavaScript

The following code is for making game memory with javascript.

Link to the source code


Video tutorial for creating memory games

Hangman Game using Javascript

Hangman This simple game is written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here is the code to make this simple game.

Link to the source code

Video Tutorial on making a hangman game

Bubble Shooter Using Javascript

Next is a tutorial on making Bubble Shooter games, which can be used as reference materials to make other games.

Link to the source code

video tutorial on making the Bubble Shooter game

Bonus!! birds.js Multiplayer Flappy Bird Game Using Node.js

If you want more, here you can find a Multiplayer clone of flappy bird powered by node.js and mysql!

Link to the source code


That was Simple Javascript Game Collection Code Using Javascript that you can try at home using a text editor application. For this game you will need to use a browser, for example chrome, mozilla. and others.
If you have questions or anything else, please comment in blog comments, thank you.
by Luigi Nori Date: 19-07-2022 javascript videogames hits : 40466  
Luigi Nori

Luigi Nori

He has been working on the Internet since 1994 (practically a mummy), specializing in Web technologies makes his customers happy by juggling large scale and high availability applications, php and js frameworks, web design, data exchange, security, e-commerce, database and server administration, ethical hacking. He happily lives with @salvietta150x40, in his (little) free time he tries to tame a little wild dwarf with a passion for stars.


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