The history of software development in two minutes: a century of logic, languages and code

by Janeth Kent Date: 20-08-2019 software history Turing WWW worldwideweb

The video shows the hyper-compressed history of software development and programming beginning in 1912 with Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead and their work on formal logic and type theory. Then came the first electromechanical calculators from IBM and others.

Turing laid the foundations for programming in 1930 and by 1940 the Z3 was already in operation, which was probably the first computer that could probably also have a generic use, unlike calculators.

The history reaches the 50's and 60's with the development of languages such as Fortran and Simula, SQL in 1974. When in the 80's people began to have computers at home the thing exploded and in 1990 came the HTML coinciding with the birth of the World Wide Web.

In 2001, development and work management methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban began to be used, and in the field of programming the decade of 2010 has left us with Machine Learning as the most interesting, if not the most powerful tool.

It's hard to tell more in 120 seconds, but it's not hard to find hundreds of more detailed articles on every aspect of software development on the Internet, from methods to languages to the history of early computers.

by Janeth Kent Date: 20-08-2019 software history Turing WWW worldwideweb hits : 5202  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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