7 valuable tips from Steve Jobs for entrepreneurs

by Janeth Kent Date: 24-01-2020 steve jobs apple startup enterprineur

Steve Jobs certainly needs no introduction, but how did he become one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the last decade?

In this article we will talk about his entrepreneurial method, let's continue with our focus today.

If you have a startup or you want to be the CEO of a big company keep reading the article to find out how a great entrepreneur should work.

The Steve Jobs method for the CEO of a startup:

Steve Jobs taught us to use our imagination, to dream through the use of technology.

Here are 7 valuable tips from the great Steve Jobs to put into practice every day with the primary objective of maximizing the performance of your company or your startup.

The real CEO/AD doesn't talk, he acts

I start with the most important figure within any company. For Steve Jobs the role of the CEO was not only linked to being on the board of directors, but it meant much more: knowing his product so well that he could be the best promoter.

It's no coincidence that Steve Jobs always personally showed the functions of his products to millions of people several times a year. Asking others meant taking risks. Why? Because they could have transferred not only all the specifications of the product, but "the soul" of it.

Moreover, for potential customers its "non-presence" could be interpreted as a choice of indifference, of carelessness towards consumers.

Speaking personally at presentations of the new product, explaining how it works, being well informed and competent in the matter is perhaps the best choice that a good CEO can make.

Simple and intuitive solutions

According to Steve Jobs, the ability to provide consumers with an easy-to-use product that had the right level of clarity, comprehensibility and accessibility was extremely important and necessary, especially if you want to excel in a particular sector.

A simple and intuitive solution corresponds to an equally simple and intuitive business model, therefore easily achievable and within the reach of an investor.

Understanding the difference between value and price

For Steve Jobs, separating these two concepts was of fundamental importance. The value of a product depends above all on the feelings it arouses, the memories that bind us to it or the way it makes us feel and how useful it is.

To understand us better, let's think about one of his products, the Iphone. It certainly does not have a price within everyone's reach, especially the 11, the latest model released in September. This is because its price reflects a very high value. What is it?

The value of Apple products is linked to two aspects: the first is related to the quality and design of the product, the second is that sense of belonging that he managed to create. Those who have a product of the Cupertino company feel they are part of a coommunity of people of a certain level or at least apparently so.

We pay not only for how Apple feels when we use one of its products, but also how it shows us to others. Here, then, would a great theme come to mind: to be or to appear? But this is not the right place to address it. But if you have your say, leave a comment under the article and I'll read it with pleasure.

Wanting to go even further into the third point, perhaps not very clear to everyone, having an iPhone or any other Apple product, conveys feelings, categorizes us as belonging to a certain social category or as people who like to update and prefer high-tech products.

The same concept can transfer to your work, the value you give to your work is different from the price you give it.

We cannot put a price on the passion we put in our work, but it is certainly to be shown as an added value.


A particular feature of Jobs' leadership was always having to deal with professionally superior, valid and competent people.

Forming a work team made up of talented and passionate people certainly leads to better results in the right way and in a short time.


Steve Jobs in this case managed to make himself known to his clients, attacking that part of the market he wanted.

The positioning consists in being able to identify and choose one's own niche to which to give concrete answers on the basis of the value, the product or the service we offer and the ability we have to provide it.

The product comes before profit

For Jobs, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur you must first of all focus on the actual quality of your offer. You have to love your product and be able to convey this feeling to potential customers.

The real entrepreneur is the one who works, even when others are stationary, to be able to aim to offer products that are not only interesting, but also indispensable.

In this way, you will get the "favor" of the public, automatically generating higher and higher profits.

Learn from your mistakes

Steve Jobs said that to become a successful entrepreneur one must first of all learn to recognize one's own mistakes without ever sinning of presumption and arrogance.

The true leader is the one who is able to admit his mistakes without fear of being judged. The aim is, of course, to improve oneself more and more.

by Janeth Kent Date: 24-01-2020 steve jobs apple startup enterprineur hits : 2975  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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